
Call for contributions – Conference Leeds 5 January 2018

                               Call for papers: Responding to challenges for victims of child abuse and exploitation in the criminal justice system. Conference date: Friday Jan 5th, 2018 Location: Trinity University (Leeds, W. Yorkshire) Organisation: Basis Training and Adele Gladman Safeguarding Children Training and Consultancy Ltd   This is an opportunity to contribute to an innovative, practice […]

Involving dads in social work practice- NSPCC guidance

  The NSPCC’s Impact and evidence series features a blog by Karen Bateson, Development and Impact Manager, who explains the importance of engaging fathers in social work practice. Tips include: make sure you know dad’s name and how to contact him; if dad is absent, ask about him; be inclusive of all parents including fathers […]

“More cock up than conspiracy.” Rotherham and issues of professional negligence and misconduct

This month saw the publication of six reports into varying aspects of historical issues in Rotherham associated with the child sexual exploitation scandal uncovered by Professor Alexis Jay three years ago. The reports were originally commissioned in 2014 and 2015 following the Jay report and subsequent Casey report. What is not widely known is that […]

My new book: Child Sexual Exploitation After Rotherham

Tuesday saw the official launch event of my book, CSE After Rotherham, co-authored with Dr Angie Heal.
We were extremely fortunate to have the support of our publishers Jessica Kingsley; and St George’s and Kingston University, which enabled us to run the launch as a practice conference.

Coming out of the Darkness Conference – 11th March

This conference, held in Leeds on 11 March 2016, will offer a unique opportunity for those attending to: Reflect on the lessons learned from Rotherham Hear from those with direct knowledge of practice responses to CSE in the town Find out about some of the models of good practice that have developed since across the […]

Our CSE training is consistently rated as “excellent”

These were comments from recent CSE training evaluations: “This is the best training we have had in a long while”. ” This course helped me identify a case where a child could be at risk” Places still available for 30 November

A child exploitation event like no other!

Safeguarding Training and Consultancy Ltd are pleased to announce further dates for their basic awareness course, designed to give those attending a thorough understanding of child sexual exploitation and how professionals encountering this issue should respond. Want to find out more? Read the email here!

Government disagrees on compulsory sex education

The Department for Education (DfE) has published its response to the Education Select Committee’s report on personal, social, health and economic education, and sex and relationships education in England. The response emphasises the need to improve the standards of PSHE lessons, but does not agree with the suggestion that PSHE should be made compulsory. Source: […]

Female Genital Mutilation Protection Orders come into force

Female Genital Mutilation Protection Orders came in to force on the 17 July 2015 in England, Northern Ireland and Wales. FGM Protection Orders are unique to each case and contain legally binding conditions, prohibitions and restrictions to protect the person at risk of FGM. Source: Family Law 17 July 2015 Further information: NSPCC Website

“This was a very well presented course and I really liked the personal style of the trainer.

“My confidence in making referrals has definitely increased and I feel I am in a better position to effectively engage with the child protection process.