A Freedom of Information request by the Press Association has found that 396 registered sex offenders are missing across the UK, some of them have not been in contact with police for more than 10 years. An NSPCC Freedom of Information request has found that there is just one member of police staff responsible for […]
Children and Young People Now report that proposed laws to prosecute children’s professionals for wilful neglect in failing to protect young people from child sexual exploitation could take another two years to reach the statute books. The consultation will take place at the same time as a consultation on plans to bring in mandatory reporting […]
The Department for Education is consulting on proposed revisions to the Working Together 2013 guidance. Changes are around: the referral of allegations against those who work with children; and notifiable incidents and the definition of serious harm. Deadline for responses is 2 February 2015. Source: Department for Education 06 January 2015 Further information: Revisions to […]
Safeguarding Children Training and Consultancy are pleased to announce two dates in the spring for their popular courseĀ Responding Effectively to Issues of Child Sexual Exploitation The courses will be running in South Yorkshire on the 23rd March and 15 May Please contact us to find out more
The NSPCC has launched the Share Aware campaign which provides straightforward advice to parents on how to keep their 8-12-year-olds safe on social networks. Resources include: a YouTube video; a parents’ guide to social networks; tips for talking to your child about online safety; and a Be ShareAware guide. Source: NSPCC Press Release 09 January […]
Chatback Productions, a group of 11-18-year-olds living in foster care, has produced a 30 minute film, ‘Anybody’s child’, tackling the issue of child sexual exploitation. Source: YouTube – Anybody’s child 13 January 2015 Further information: Chatback Productions
Lewis Daynes, 19, from Grays in Essex, has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a 14-year-old boy he met through online gaming. Source: BBC News 12 January 2015
The House of Commons Public Bill Committee has tabled an amendment in the Serious Crime Bill to create a new criminal offence of sexual communication with a child. If passed, the offence will cover scenarios including: talking to a child about sex via a chatroom; sending sexually explicit text messages to a child; inviting a […]
The BBC reports that, after consideration, the Attorney General is unable to review an 18-month suspended sentence given to a teacher who was found guilty of 2 counts of sexual activity with a 16-year-old pupil. Judge Joanna Greenberg QC, who handed out the sentence, has been heavily criticised for saying that the teenage victim had […]
A serious case review will be launched into how teacher, William Vahey, was able to drug and abuse at least 60 children between 2009 and 2013 at the fee-paying Southbank International School in London. The review will be led by Dame Moira Gibb. Source: Guardian 27 September 2014
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