Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has published a critical report of child protection arrangements in South Yorkshire police. Recommendations include: South Yorkshire police undertaking a review of concerns raised about children in care homes to ensure there are safeguarding plans in place for at-risk children. Source: HMIC press release 30 September 2014 Further information: […]
An NSPCC Freedom of Information request, responded to by 16 out of 43 police forces in England and Wales, has revealed that thousands of computers are being confiscated by police forces, but there are ‘relatively few’ skilled forensic examiners available to analyse material for child abuse images. Source: BBC Online 03 October 2014
Children and Young People Now reports that the NSPCC is warning against moves to offer blanket anonymity to suspected child abusers, for fear this could hinder successful prosecutions. Instead, the charity advises considering each case on an individual basis, with suspects being named if it is in the public interest to do so. Source: Children& […]
Local authorities have been ordered to undertake an audit of how they respond to child sexual exploitation (CSE) cases in the wake of the Rotherham abuse scandal. This is something that we are already working on with one local safeguarding children board. Contact us if you want to find out how we can help you. […]
The Local Government Association has warned that plans to relax taxi licensing regulations could put children at risk of sexual exploitation. New government proposals would enable minicab licence holders to allow other people to drive their vehicle when they are off duty without any vetting checks. Source: Local Government Association (LGA) 25 September 2014
A TES and NSPCC poll of more than 1200 headteachers, teachers and support staff has found that more than 66% reported a safeguarding issue in the last year. Only 15% of those surveyed have never reported an issue. Source: TES 26 September 2014
Following a recent E Safety event at a local school, we were delighted to see the following comment from the Head Teacher on her evaluation form: “This is the most valuable training I have received in a long time. Outstanding.” We are now hosting parent information sessions and workshops for primary and secondary school pupils […]
Safeguarding Children Training and Consultancy Ltd are now looking for associate trainers and consultants to help develop and expand the services available to our clients. If you would like to be considered, please send a CV with a covering letter and references to Adele Gladman at adele@protectingchildrennow.co.uk
We are looking for a part time Administration Assistant to assist with the day to day running and general development of the business; and assist with: General administration such as preparing materials for forthcoming training events, and overseeing final arrangements with venues Liaising with clients Updating website and twitter feed Simple book keeping Creating data […]
The Government has announced a set of reforms to improve the experience of victims in court. These include: a new nationwide Victims’ Information Service to ensure better information and support; and specialist training for lawyers before taking part in sexual abuse or rape trials. Source: Children & Young People Now 15 September 2014 Further information: […]
“Fabulous session!”
“This was a very well presented course and I really liked the personal style of the trainer.”