
NCA launches new internet safety resources

The National Crime Agency (NCA) has launched new internet safety resources for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender teenagers. Source: Young Minds 13 February 2014 Further information:    Thinkuknow

DfE publishes recommendations for the education and training of social workers

A report commissioned by the Department for Education in to the education and training of social workers has made the following recommendations: the Chief Social Worker should produce a single definition of what a newly qualified children’s social worker needs to understand and be able to do; undergraduate trainees should be allowed to specialise in […]

NSPCC publishes briefing on online abuse

The NSPCC has published a briefing which highlights learning from serious case reviews where online abuse was a key factor. Source: NSPCC Inform 12 February 2014 Further information:    NSPCC Inform – statistics on online safety

First ‘secure college’ for young offenders in England opens

The Government has revealed plans to open the first ‘secure college’ for young offenders in England and Wales. It will open in Leicestershire in 2017 and will provide young offenders with double the amount of education they currently receive. Source: BBC Online 16 January 2014

Research shows advantages in placing children out of area

Research by the Thomas Coram Research Unit has found that when local authorities place young people in residential care outside their area it is often to help break patterns of risky behaviour such as child sexual exploitation, offending behaviour and involvement in gangs and gun and knife crime. Source: Institute of Education – Thomas Coram […]

Public inquiry into child abuse in children’s homes launched in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, a public inquiry in to child abuse in children’s homes has been launched. The Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry is the biggest ever held in the UK and is examining allegations of abuse in children’s homes and juvenile justice over a 73 year period. Source: BBC Online 13 January 2014

ChildLine publishes a new report on bullying

ChildLine has published a report which shows a sharp increase in contacts to the service from children and young people affected by online bullying, self-harm and suicide. Source: NSPCC Website 08 January 2014 Further information: Can I tell you something? (PDF)

Next phase of NSPCC’s Underwear Rule campaign launched

The next phase of the NSPCC’s successful Underwear Rule campaign is being this week.  It will encourage parents of 5 to 11-year-olds to talk to their children about keeping safe from sexual abuse. New figures reveal that sex crimes against under-11s have increased by 20% – from 4,772 in 2011-12 to 5,547 in 2012-13. The […]

New regulations for residential care announced

The Department of Education has introduced new regulations for improving residential care for vulnerable children. Under the new rules, decisions to place a child outside their local area must be signed off by a senior council official and they must have good reasons for doing so. Source: Department for Education 04 January 2014

“Brilliant session and fantastic facilitator I needed a training course where the trainer knew more than I did about the subject area- this was it! Thank you

“Perfectly prepared me for my next court case.