Online Safety Briefing for Parents and Carers: Understanding the internet and how to protect your child

Children are now accessing the internet from a very early age to help them learn, investigate, explore and develop their understanding of the world. Mobile technology and the internet has become a natural part of children and young people’s lives and on the whole, this is a positive thing – helping them to communicate, learn, expand their creativity and develop new skills.

A study by Ofcom in 2011 however showed that 70% of parents felt that their children knew more about technology than they did and that they did not really understand the risks posed by the internet.  The reality is that all children accessing the internet face risks.

This 3 hour event asks parents and carers:

Are you confident that you know of all the ways your child can access the internet? It’s not just about computers!

Do you understand how what you post online can impact on your child?

Do you understand how GPS settings work on mobile technology?

Think things like Facebook and Snapchat are harmless? What about gaming sites and apps?

Do you understand film and game classifications and what they mean?

Do you really understand how the internet and mobile technology is used by abusers to find, target, groom and abuse children?

Do you know how easy it is to protect your family?

This interactive 3 hour event will tell those attending what some of the risks are. We will be talking about how those risks can be reduced, and giving some practical tips and guidance. We will also be looking at some resources available to help families learn more about this important issue, and how to start talking to children and young people about using the internet safely.

We are running several events in Barnsley over the coming months so contact us if you would like to know more, if you would like us to come and deliver this event somewhere else in the country or in another setting such as a school.

“A very important topic (often understated/misunderstood) delivered with passion and brilliant knowledge”

“Absolutely brilliant- opened my eyes to the risks and dangers out there!”

“Really useful information, every parent should attend this”

This course covers

“This is the best safeguarding training I have experienced.

“Excellent delivery- would thoroughly recommend!