Court Skills for Social Care Practitioners

The aim of this course is to provide those attending with robust knowledge, skills and confidence in preparing for and attending court proceedings. This course will give those attending the ability to prepare and give evidence in a way which achieves best outcomes for children who are the subject of care and other public law proceedings.

By the end of the course those attending will

  • Understand the key principles of the Children Act 1989
  • Have an understanding of public law and the range of orders available to a court
  • Have knowledge of the function and purpose of courts in children’s proceedings
  • Understand the role of the CAFCASS Guardian
  • Have had an overview of court structures, personnel and processes
  • Have had an overview of the PLO process and pilot, including how to prepare for the issue of public law proceedings
  • Have considered and applied the principles of professional record keeping
  • Have had an opportunity to consider how to compile an effective care plan
  • Understand their role in public law proceedings and have considered how to prepare to attend court
  • Understand what happens at court including giving evidence and cross examination
  • Understand the difference between evidence, hearsay and opinion
  • Have had an opportunity to put learning into practice through a simulated court case
  • Have identified what they may need in terms of support when called to give evidence at court

“Perfectly prepared me for my next court case.

“This is the best safeguarding training I have experienced.