An Introduction to Child Protection and Safeguarding Children

This course is appropriate for all those working with children, young people and their families who require an introduction to safeguarding children practice. This course is especially relevant for those who are new in post, students, newly qualified, and volunteers.

By the end of the course those attending should:

  • Understand why it is important for them to complete this course
  • Have knowledge of the safeguarding structure and their role in it
  • Be familiar with the definitions of different types of child abuse and neglect
  • Have considered how they might identify a child who is experiencing abuse and neglect
  • Know what to do if they are concerned about a child
  • Know what to do if they have a concern about another professional
  • Have considered what happens when concerns are passed to a safeguarding team in social care.

“I found the course one of the most useful ones I have attended.

“Excellent delivery- would thoroughly recommend!