An Introduction to Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

This course is appropriate for all those working with vulnerable adults and their families who require either an introduction to, or a refresher in, safeguarding vulnerable adults practice. This course is especially relevant for those who are new in post, students, newly qualified, and volunteers.

By the end of the course those attending should

  • Understand what ‘safeguarding vulnerable adults’ means
  • Have been given examples of different kinds of abuse and neglect and how they might be identified
  • Have considered who can be a vulnerable adult
  • Have considered issues such as capacity and consent
  • Be clear on what action to take if they are concerned about a vulnerable adult
  • Understand what happens when concerns are referred to adult social care

“The course was realistic addressing both theory and practice with a good balance of interaction.

“This training session was superb, it was interesting, informative, the trainer was excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed this session.