
Effective Practice in Safeguarding Children from Domestic Abuse

According to the Home Office in 2011, domestic violence and abuse accounts for 18% of all reported violent crime. It is an issue which profoundly affects the lives of many children- putting them at risk of harm and causing long term damage. In a study of 139 serious case reviews in England 2009-2011, 63% of […]

The Impact of Parental Alcohol and Drugs Misuse on Children’s Lives

Research and information collected by government departments, charities and other bodies estimate that approximately 3 million adults in the UK regularly misuse alcohol and drugs. It is thought that almost one million children in the UK live with drug users while about 2.6 million children are thought to be living with parents who have an […]

Understanding the Impact of Parental Mental Illness on Children

Parental mental illness is something that can have a substantial impact on a child’s life. It can affect how a person cares for their child, how they meet their child’s developmental needs, and what kind of environment the child grows up in. Having a parent with mental health problems will have some impact on all […]

Understanding and Responding Effectively to Child Sexual Exploitation

This course aims to help practitioners develop a robust knowledge of this complex and difficult subject, and understand how they can respond to issues of exploitation both as an individual practitioner and within an inter agency setting.

Safeguarding Children with Disabilities

This course aims to assist practitioners who work with or who have contact with in gaining or enhancing their knowledge of how a disability may impact on a child’s life and how best to work with children and their families to safeguard those children from abuse and neglect.

Essential Skills in Safeguarding Children Practice for Designated Leads

This course is aimed at experienced practitioners who are the designated lead for safeguarding children in their workplace. It is also for other members of staff who may support that role or have deputised designated responsibility in the absence of the lead professional. The aim of the course is to assist Designated Leads in developing […]

Advanced Safeguarding Children Practice Update/refresher

This course is appropriate for practitioners who have already attended Level 2 safeguarding children training and wish to update and refresh their existing knowledge and skills.

Safer Recruitment Practice and Procedure (foundation level)

This course is for anyone who: Works in a setting with children or young people and Has some involvement in the recruitment of employees or volunteers and/or Has some involvement in the supervision and management of new employees or volunteers and/or Has some involvement in the drafting of policy and procedures relating to the above.

Safeguarding Children Update/Refresher

The aim of this course is to ensure that upon completion those attending will have an updated knowledge of key concepts, definitions, indicators and roles in safeguarding children, which they can take back into their day to day work. The course aims to remind participants of knowledge gained during previous safeguarding children training, and in […]

“This is the best safeguarding training I have experienced.

“The course was realistic addressing both theory and practice with a good balance of interaction.