Working with Issues of Online Safety

Children are now accessing the internet from the age of 3 to help them learn, investigate, explore and develop their understanding of the world. Mobile technology and the internet has become a natural part of children and young people’s lives and on the whole, this is a positive thing – helping them to communicate, learn, expand their creativity and develop new skills.

There are however risks posed by the internet. Lack of awareness by young people and adults around them often means that they are posting information about themselves – their friends, their activities, their location, their identify, their photos and other information. Potentially all of this can be seen by anyone else accessing the internet. Online technology can also allow information to be used against young people in ways which bullies them (Cyberbullying). It allows children and young people to form friendships with people they haven’t met in person. It can also allow predators to have access to images and information about young people; and use this to target, groom, meet and abuse them.

This event is available as a briefing or training event.

Depending on the length of the event chosen the event

  • Considers some key facts from statistics and research about internet and mobile technology, and the way it is used by children and young people
  • Explores what some of the risks are
  • Considers how the internet and mobile technology is used to target, groom and abuse young people
  • Looks at how some of the risks can be addressed, and some of the resources currently available for professionals, parents and carers and young people.

“The course was extremely well devised and prepared.

“Thank you Adele. I love your training  style.