Why I am making a New Year’s resolution that counts this year

Adele Gladman

You may have read about a conference that I am organising, in partnership with Basis Leeds, which is taking place on 5th January 2018. Amber Wilson and I decided to plan Making Justice Work over 18 months ago. We did so in recognition that although we were seeing some positive things- victims coming forward and telling of their abuse, police implementing victim care models, increasing investigations, prosecutions, and convictions – we were aware that this was not true of all areas of the UK. And along with those stories of progress, we were hearing of re-traumatised victims of abuse, those who had been marked and scarred by their journey through the justice system, those who had been re-victimized as a result of telling someone about their abuse. And those stories continue – in fact right up to this week when we have once again heard another depressing case of a child being bullied, frightened, and ultimately let down by the system that most of us thinks protects us and our rights to live free from harm and abuse.

In organising this event, we wanted to bring people together so that we could hear from a range of expertise and a range of experience. We wanted to start the new year with a resolution that makes a difference, to make justice work for victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation. Justice should mean that – justice. Not for the offender. Not just for society. But for those that need and deserve it the most.

We’ve been overwhelmed by the support shown for and the interest in the conference. If you haven’t already booked your place, there are only a few days left to do so. Please join us. We want to make justice work and we can’t do that without your help.


“Excellent and thought provoking

“Thank you Adele. I love your training  style.