The Care Quality Commission is to launch a dedicated child protection inspection regime of health services in England next week. The two-year project will target health services in 110 council areas where research has shown children to be at the greatest risk. Services under scrutiny include: GP surgeries, health visitors, school nurses, hospital emergency departments, […]
In Northern Ireland, the Health Minister has announced an independent, expert-led inquiry in to child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Northern Ireland. The proposed remit will be to examine the nature and extent of CSE in Northern Ireland; determine issues which need to be addressed to prevent, tackle and disrupt CSE; consider the effectiveness of measures […]
The NSPCC and the Association of Independent Local Safeguarding Children Board Chairs have agreed that all serious case review reports will be collated and made available on the NSPCC website. Currently, serious case reviews are published on individual local safeguarding children board (LSCB) websites and are not made available centrally.
In a Guardian article, Jonathan Baggaley, head of education at the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) gives tips to parents on how to keep their children safe online.
“This was a very well presented course and I really liked the personal style of the trainer.”
“Adele's delivery was great. I would recommend this course to all professionals working with children and young people.”