
Article published on longterm impact of childhood bullying.

The Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London has an article in the American Journal of Psychiatry on the longterm impact of childhood bullying. Findings include: British adults who were bullied in their childhood remained at greater risk of poor social, health, and economic outcomes decades after exposure. Source: American Journal of Psychiatry 18 April […]

Reforms to Family Justice System

Reforms to the family justice system in England and Wales came into force on the 22 April 2014. Implemented reforms include: the introduction of a 26 week time limit for care proceedings and compulsory family mediation information meetings for separating parents. Source: 22 April 2014 Further information:    BBC Online 22 April 2014

Education Committee announces inquiry into PSHE & SRE in schools

The Education Committee has announced an inquiry into Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) in schools in England. The deadline for submissions is 6 June 2014. Source: 24 April 2014

Launch of new e-safety event for parents and carers

We are pleased to announce the launch of this new 3 hour event which helps families understand how children are using the internet and what the risks are. The event looks at how children can be vulnerable online, including when they are using mobile phone apps and instant messaging, as well as looking at the risks created […]

42% UK families find their children looking at violent, sexually explicit,or inappropriate websites

Research from, an independent price comparison and switching service, has found that over three million (42%) families in the UK have found their children looking at violent, sexually explicit, upsetting or inappropriate content on the internet. The average age that children view this material is just over four years old. Source: 26 March […]

New report reveals poor police response to domestic violence

A new report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has found that police forces do not, in practice, prioritise cases of domestic abuse. It is considered a ‘poor relation’ to other areas of policing. Recommendations include: every police force publishing a detailed action plan of how they will tackle the problem; setting up a […]

First UK prosecutions for femal genital mutilation announced

The Crown Prosecution Service has announced the first UK prosecutions over female genital mutilation (FGM) in the UK. Dr Dhanuson Dharmasena, 31, of Ilford, East London will be prosecuted for an alleged offence while working at the Whittington Hospital in London. Hasan Mohamed, 41, of Holloway, North London, will face a charge of intentionally encouraging […]

New Jimmy Savile Investigation

In a written statement to Parliament, the Education Secretary has announced that investigations will take place into allegations of historical child abuse relating to Jimmy Savile which took place in children’s homes and schools in England. Source: Department for Education 27 March 2014

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“This is the best safeguarding training I have experienced.